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A Fond Farewell
Dear Beeline Community, We want to thank you for your incredible support over the years. Unfortunately, today, we are discontinuing...
2 min read

Streamline Parent Pick-Up with Carpool Management Software
After school carpool is an essential aspect of school transportation. Read this brief overview of some important considerations.
2 min read

A more orderly carpool
Updates to Beeline are rolling out! Along with a few bug fixes required to keep Beeline running smoothly, we're changing some of the ways...
2 min read

The best free hang tags for your school carpool
Numbered tags hanging on the driver's rear-view mirror can give your carpool line staff a better picture of which drivers are in the...
2 min read

Optimizing my carpool pickup
Solving carpool is a challenge that requires a lot of creativity and flexibility. Beeline can help provide that!
4 min read

How much does Beeline cost?
If your school serves fewer than 15 kids, Beeline is FREE. You can find more details here. If you are ready to get started, just download...
2 min read

Free carpool management?
Getting approval for funding new software without knowing ahead of time what the benefits will be can be can be a challenge at most...
2 min read

What about parents who can't or don't want to use the driver app?
Beeline is an app-based carpool solution that helps parents automatically check in to carpool. But, as with any app, there may be some...
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Add kids fast with a batch upload!
It's super easy to add new kids into Beeline when you add via a batch process!
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Android driver app support is here!
We've released our Android build out of beta and it's available now!
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Using Beeline Administrator on your iPhone instead of an iPad.
No matter what size your device is, you can reach all areas of the app and perform all functions.
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Adding a bus to Beeline
Beeline can be used to send dismissal information to your classroom when each bus is ready to load.
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Do you have ideas for improving Beeline?
Got any ideas? We want to hear them!
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Getting started with Beeline for Drivers
Everything you need to get started using Beeline for Drivers.
2 min read

Test Beeline free and with no commitment.
It's free to test Beeline carpool management software. Use it for free as long as you need to with up to 15 students. No strings. Period.
2 min read

Getting staff started with Beeline Curbside
Beeline Curbside helps ensure drivers are checked in to your carpool line quickly and easily.
1 min read

Options for setting up more than one driver to pick up a kid
Learn about options to support multiple drivers in your Beeline carpool setup.
2 min read

Creating and editing your carpool schedule.
An overview of Beeline schedules with links to the help document on the subject.
2 min read

School carpool during the COVID-19 Pandemic
A few quick tips for running carpools during COVID, with a focus on how Beeline can help.
4 min read

Setting Up Your School in Beeline
An overview of getting started with Beeline and links to the quick start guide on the subject.
2 min read
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